Simple game menu in Python and Godot

Recently I have started to dive into game programming a bit more. Coming from Python with Pyglet, my current choice is Godot game engine. I created a simple text-based game menu in both to see what is easier for someone without any prior experience.

Python - Pyglet - Gooey

Glooey is an object-oriented GUI library, based on Pyglet (cross-platform windowing and multimedia library).


Checkout Github repository for Glooey game menu

GDScript - Godot

Godot is an open-source game engine with 2D and 3D capabilities. The officially supported languages are GDScript (Python-like), Visual Scripting, C#, and C++


Checkout Github repository for Godot game menu


No surprise here, Godot is much simpler, and enjoyable, though Glooey is a very solid library. If you would like to craft a game menu specifically using Python, I can recommend Glooey for that.

Godot is very flexible because it is not drag and drop, and you have to use scripting for various actions. One thing I had to fight through was font scaling, I could not do it simply as in Glooey, but instead, use animation and some hacks. Is there a better way?
