Python 3.5 brought us 4-100 times faster OrderedDict thanks to its implementation in C, before was written in Python. Python 3.6 improved a standard library dictionary, by making it use more compact representation. Now dictionary could use 20% to 25% less memory compared to Python 3.5, and the order of items was kept but as suggested it was only an implementation detail and should not be used officially (backwards compatibility). Well, in Python 3.7 it has been approved.
Which one should we use now? Standard dict or OrderedDict ?
I have just finished Bandit wargame from overthewire. Twenty-six levels packed with mini quizzes aimed at beginner Linux/security enthusiasts. First thirteen levels can be solved by using simple Linux commands with the goal of finding password hidden or encrypted in some file. Then it becomes interesting because we start to play with bits of networking knowledge like ssh, netcat, telnet etc. And last five are about cron jobs and writing bash scripts. I totally recommend this game.
I have had a chance to solve Codility demo test. It is available for free, and you can try it unlimited times. While I do not believe that such tests correlate to typical real-world programming tasks, they are often used as a first interview filter by some companies. Here I show a few Python variations for the solution.
One month of fighting with Mate I returned to “classic Ubuntu” with Unity desktop. And it just works. That’s it.
Update (December 2018):
Ubuntu 18.04 is running fine as well. Even my bluetooth headphones ;)
After recent update laptop freezes at boot!
I was looking for a new laptop for some time now, and specifically, I wanted to try ThinkPad series, based on sound reviews. Electronic equipment in Poland has a higher price compared to for example the USA, but I bought on a sale a T470 without Windows preinstalled for 1140$ (3800 PLN on 26 Jan 2018). The usual price for this model was around 5000 PLN. Anyway, I was going to install Ubuntu, with choices between Lubuntu (my long-time favourite on all virtual machines) and Ubuntu Mate (more pretty but not so heavy as default Unity or currently Gnome 3).
After three years of using Sublime Text 3, more than one year with PyCharm (Community at home and Professional at work) should I switch to Wing IDE? It has some of the best features from previous editors. Time to compare them.
Can git be used as automatic deploment tool? Some say that as for mvp it is enough. Others give quite good explanations how to do it, see
Update: Similar setup but for CircleCI 2.0 is HERE
Deploying to CircleCI as easy as creating yaml file (sometimes you even do not need it as Circle will automatically recognize structure and behavior). But usually it is better to setup at least basic configuration. The problem begins with more complicated functionality and CI documentation is minimal, or to say ‘very hacker friendly’.
My problem was how to use build-in PostgreSQL database with Python application. This is quick tip how I solved it.
The easiest solution how to publish with Hugo to Github Pages is to have two separate repositories, one with blog source files and second with html files. Simple.
We can push files from both repositories manually or can do better. Push just source content and leave the rest for automatic deployment.
Use Wercker. It is better.
While trying to make this little space in the web finally working, I set up dozens of different static site generators (Jekyll, Pelican, Nikola, Lektor, Sculpin..). I was even thinking about writing my own for some time. I tried wordpress and blogspot. But finally arrived at Hugo and it make my day much better.