My PhD Journey Postmortem
In November 2023, I defended PhD thesis after long years of struggling to finish it. I am proud of this achievement, but it took me longer than expected. Let’s summarise this journey.
In November 2023, I defended PhD thesis after long years of struggling to finish it. I am proud of this achievement, but it took me longer than expected. Let’s summarise this journey.
This year, I attended the EuroPython conference in Prague for three days. Let me share some thoughts afterwards.
Time has come to move out of Hugo 0.34 to something never (0.128.0). Hugo is expanding quickly and unfortunately in backward incompatible way. Plus this site is already since some time on Github Actions not Wercker..
Example of Azure Pipeline yaml file to configure pytest with code coverage and Nexus IQ / SonarQube scanners for Python application.
It is so funny, I always start looking at alternatives just to come back to a “one-true-fits-all” solution. Welcome back Good Old/New Gnome with Ubuntu 22.04-23.04.
Time to celebrate, today Ubuntu 23.04 is officially available, so time for a blog entry. For Ubuntu Mate users, not much news, except for some cosmetics and AI-generated wallpapers. I am writing this while using Ubuntu Mate 22.04. Some issues I had on my Thinkpad T470 with dual-boot with Windows 10. In the end, some complaints about Linux in general.
The mighty and powerful f-strings. Well, they are only a sugar syntax on string.format, but whatever. Here I will look at one of the usage scenarios that you should not commit - taking format string from the user. Well, I had to do it in my project, so…
When we have time-expensive functionality in our fixtures, it is good to know when they are invoked and run. Although this should be intuitive, let’s test on a simple example.
I was working as an outsourced engineer for Big Corporation, or I could say I was in the “shadow workforce”. And as the initial challenge dust disappeared, I was flying on remaining knowledge, but up to a point. There is a moment when you need to cut yourself out of your comfort zone. And I know that it is really difficult for people, especially after crossing the magic “three-year” point.
In one of the recent episode of Python podcast, Toby Macey was interviewing Luciano Ramalho. I have a lot of respect for this developer as for me it is one of the last true “Pythonista’s” left in the world. During one hour he talks about his Python beginnings, writing “Fluent Python” book, and his view about new Python features. I recommend listening to the whole podcast, but here is a summary of his opinions about Python evolution.